Adding optomap® to a traditional fundus examination enhances detection of retinal pathology compared to traditional ophthalmoscopy. In research published in Eye and Brain, investigators evaluated the benefit Optos UWF-image assisted fundus examination in 339 eyes (including patients with a history of ocular findings and patients with no known eye disease). The additional information provided by the optomap helped identify 30% more retinal lesions than the traditional dilated exam alone. Differences between UWF and traditional ophthalmoscopy were adjudicated by a retinal specialist, revealing a statistically significant advantage for UWF in detecting pathological changes in the posterior pole/macula and the mid-to-peripheral retina.
Brown K, Sewell JM, Trempe C, Peto T, Travison TG. Comparison of image-assisted versus traditional fundus examination. Eye and Brain. 2013; 5:1-8.