Join Optos at Euretina Congress 2022
Optos is recognised as a leading provider of devices to eyecare professionals for improved patient care. Optos' devices produce ultra-widefield, high resolution images (optomap®) of approximately 200° of the retina, something no other device can capture in any single image.
Join us at the 22nd Euretina Congress from Thursday 1st September to Sunday 4th September at the CCH (Congress Centre Hamburgh) in Germany at Booth 34 where the Silverstone devices will be display throughout the show where visitors can view the models, ask questions and book in for show-floor demonstrations where they can have their optomap UWF retinal images taken.
On Friday, 2nd September at 09:45 in Hall G1 we will be hosting a Satellite Meeting with Dr. Srinivas Sadda, Prof. Paulo Stanga and Prof Tunde Peto on Recent Advances in Multimodal Imaging and Artificial intelligence in Ophthalmology.
Prof. Srinivas Sadda
Director of Artificial Intelligence & Imaging Research at Doheny Eye Institute
Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of California – Los Angeles
Dr. Sadda’s major research interests include retinal image analysis, advanced retinal imaging technologies, and clinical trial endpoint design. He has more than 650 peer-reviewed publications and 20 book chapters, and has given over 450 presentations worldwide.
Topic for discussion: Peripheral Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Lesions on UWF Images and Risk of DR Worsening Over Time (Protocol AA)
Prof. Paulo Stanga
Director - The Retina Clinic London
Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London
Medical & Surgical Retina, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Vitreous Floaters, Cataracts, Retinal Laser, R&D New Therapies, Surgical Technology, Advanced Imaging & Clinical Studies.
Topic for discussion: Multi Wavelength Ultra Widefield Imaging with Integrated Navigated SS-OCT in the Retina Clinic: Real Life Benefits
Dr. Tunde Peto
MD, MHealthED, PhD, FRCOphth
Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB)
Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Tunde Peto is Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at QUB, Clinical Lead of the Northern Ireland Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Screening Programme and a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Medical Retina.
Topic for discussion: Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology: Deep Learning Assessment of Ultra-Widefield Imaging
Please contact us if you would like to schedule a show-floor demonstration or if you have any questions prior to the show.
Registration to Euretina Congress 2022 now open