Know the Difference Between Dry and Wet AMD

Posted on Thursday, August 20, 2015

As the leading cause of blindness in American adults age 65 and older, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is expected to affect as many as three million people by the year 2020. AMD occurs when the macula, which is responsible for fine detail and central vision, becomes degenerated with age. Dry vs wet AMD are the two forms of the disease and you should know and understand the difference.



Sometimes causing straight lines to appear wavy in its earliest stages, wet AMD is more advanced than dry and can deteriorate your vision rapidly. Wet AMD is caused by abnormal, fragile blood vessels that grow behind the macula. These vessels are often very fragile and tend to leak blood and fluid, causing the macula to raise and become damaged. All patients who develop wet AMD started with the dry form so it is critical to get regularly scheduled comprehensive eye exams including optomap® to detect the disease in its earliest stages to prevent permanent vision loss.



The dry version of AMD has three stages which can affect one or both of your eyes. The three stages are defined by the size and number of fatty yellow protein deposits …


UWF Case Study: Angiomatous Proliferation in ROP

Posted on Monday, August 17, 2015


A 15 year-old African American female with a history of bilateral threshold retinopathy of prematurity was seen for a routine annual visit. As an infant, she was treated with scatter laser photocoagulation two months after her birth. At this visit, she was asymptomatic with a visual acuity of 20/25 in the right eye and 20/15 in the left eye.


optomap® color images were obtained and showed a reddish orange, slightly elevated lesion at 2 o’clock in the far periphery of the right eye, anterior to the equator. Images also confirmed areas of previous laser treatment in the temporal periphery. optomap fluorescein angiogram images were obtained and showed the lesion to be hyperfluorescent and that the lesion had feeding and draining retinal vessels. The left eye did not have similar lesions, but did have evidence of previous laser treatment in the temporal periphery.



optomap color and fluorescein angiography were used to document the appearance and investigate the characteristics of the peripheral lesion. The lesion was determined to be reactive angiomatous proliferation – a rare vascular proliferation which has been reported to occur in various chronic retinal diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa and …


Put Children’s Eye Safety at the Forefront

Posted on Saturday, August 15, 2015

Prevent Blindness and the American Ophthalmologist Association have jointly named August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month. As you prepare your children for a successful new school year, be sure to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and take this opportunity to teach them about eye safety.



Thousands of children suffer eye injuries each year and 90 percent of these injuries are preventable if protective eye wear is worn when needed. To get the most of children’s eye safety month, review the following helpful guidelines and be sure to speak to your children about them:


– Always ensure there is proper eye safety protection for activities – Be sure the protective eye wear is designed specifically to the activity being performed – Corrective lenses are not a substitute for safety eye wear – Only provide toys that are age-appropriate – Avoid toys with sharp or pointed components – Teach children that projectiles can cause serious eye injury and perhaps blindness


It is estimated that roughly 80 percent of education is delivered visually, which means if your children’s eyesight is not at its best, they may struggle unnecessarily. A comprehensive eye exam including optomap® provides your child’s eye care …


UWF Retinal Imaging Can Detect Melanoma

Posted on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

According to the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 2,580 eye cancers diagnosed in 2015 with most of them occurring as melanoma of the eye. While this number is not staggering when compared to the overall population, melanoma can be fatal. As with most cancers, Cancer Research UK has published stats indicating that early detection is your best chance at survival if you are diagnosed with ocular melanoma.


What is Melanoma of the Eye?

Melanoma is an aggressive cancer that forms in the cells responsible for skin pigmentation through the production of melanin. Since your eyes also have melanin-producing cells, melanoma tumors can form in various parts of your eye. Although the choroid layer is the likely site for ocular melanoma, the following parts may also be affected:


– Ciliary body – Iris – Conjunctiva – Orbit – Eyelid What Causes Ocular Melanoma?

While an exact cause is not known, the Mayo Clinic describes ocular melanoma as a DNA error that prevents cells from shedding in their typical life cycle. Cells grow uncontrollably and mutated cells accumulate rather than dying off and form melanoma. Despite the notion that it caused by a problem with DNA, there are …


UWF Case Study: AMD

Posted on Sunday, August 9, 2015


Duke University Eye Center has been using their optomap enabled device since September 2006. During that time the image quality, increased field of view and ease of use have added value to the practice. Below details a case study which demonstrates the unique value of ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography offered by Optos in patients with age related macular degeneration.



The female patient was diagnosed with dry AMD 1.5 years ago with nuclear sclerotic cataracts in both eyes. At this visit the patient presented with a change in visual acuity in the prior six months. Routine examination revealed an IOP of 15 in the right eye and 18 in the left, with visual acuity at 20/100(rt) and 20/40(lt).



This case study captured by the Optos ultra-widefield digital imagingdevice demonstrates the benefits offered by the technology. Duke University photographers were able to acquire a clear image set through relatively dense cataracts; something that is always a challenge with traditional mydriatic white-light based cameras. The red/green laser allows for less scatter as the beams enter the anterior segment allowing for a better image of the retinal surface.


The ultra-widefield image illustrates AMD changes affecting both the central and peripheral …


UWF Retinal Imaging Helps Manage Diabetic Retinopathy

Posted on Tuesday, August 4, 2015

According to an article written by Paul E. Tornambe, MD, FACS and appearing in the April 2015 issue of Retina Today, Optos’ ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging is helping manage and advance knowledge in diabetic retinopathy (DR). In fact, Tornambe can be quoted as saying UWF retinal imaging “…will facilitate earlier diagnosis, more accurate evaluation and better treatment outcomes.”


How UWF is Improving Diagnosis

Several studies have been conducted and indicate that UWF imaging has the potential to improve diagnosis and management of DR. In the article, Tornambe references several studies that show, compared to standard technology, optomap® provides high resolution images that allow for a much larger view into the periphery of the retina (200 degrees), the images are acquired rapidly and often, the patients’ eyes do not have to be dilated. Not only are the images much higher quality, it stands to reason patients are more likely to maintain a proper diagnostic schedule if they do not have to undergo dilation.


With multiple modalities such as fluorescein angiography and red-free color imaging, Optos UWF technology consistently reveals more pathology if present than other diagnostic tools are able, leading to earlier diagnosis in some cases and more advanced disease progression in others who …


Why Customers Love optomap – Kapperman and White

Posted on Sunday, August 2, 2015

For years the doctors of Kapperman and White, a Vision Source® practice, used dilation as the standard of care for every one of their patients. That is, until they saw the Daytona at the 2013 Vision Source Exchange. “All three of us went from being skeptics to being huge believers. The 200° optomap image shows us so much of the periphery that we may not have otherwise seen.  And it allows us to explain the need for a dilated exam more clearly, too,” says Kr. Kapperman.



The images provide the doctors with the data needed for clinical decision-making and they improve the level of patient education they also improve the level of patient education they can provide with tools such as 3D Wrap, a virtual tour of the eye.


In the first year of having the system between 60-80% of all patients opted for the procedure and according to doctor Kapperman, the screening fee contributes significantly to the practice’s bottom line.


Practice Information

• – Kapperman and White – Chattanooga, TN

• – Three doctor, private practice


Reason for Purchase

• – optomap® image quality

• – Patient education

• – Revenue generation



Dry Eyes Can Be More than Just Allergies

Posted on Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Made up of mucus, fatty oils and water, tears provide your eyes with the lubrication necessary to keep the surface of your eyes smooth and your vision clear. If the natural lubricant becomes unbalanced or too little is produced, you may suffer from chronic dry eyes. Since dry eye can also be an allergy symptom, you may not realize when it is time to see your eye care provider.


Chronic dry eyes can cause discomfort, itching, burning and irritation. Persistent dry eyes often do not lead to serious consequences, however, without adequate lubrication your eyes may be more susceptible to infection since tears are a protective barrier. If not treated, continually dry eyes can lead to scarring on your corneas due to irritation, which can lead to vision problems and affect your daily living.


There are several risk factors that can cause dry eye, many of which are not in your control. Proper nutrition for eye health is one area that you can make changes to limit the risks. Diets rich in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like carrots, broccoli, fish, walnuts and vegetable oils can be beneficial. Proper rest, sun protection and limiting eye strain will also help. The following are …


Your Guide to Dry Eyes and What You Can Do to Help

Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2015

At one time or another you have likely suffered a period of dry eye. You may have felt like there was grit in your eye or it may have been uncomfortable just to close your eyelids. Unfortunately for some people, this can become a chronic condition that has to be treated in order to protect their vision. This guide answers what are dry eyes and provides suggestions to help.


What are Dry Eyes?

Chronic dry eyes are caused by a lack of sufficient tear production to keep the eyes lubricated, or an imbalance of the makeup of tears which causes them to evaporate too quickly. In both cases, the eyes are not sufficiently lubricated, causing dry eyes.


While initially dry eyes may not affect your vision, the condition may cause inflammation of the eye surfaces, leaving them vulnerable to infection or damage. If treatment is not received, you may experience pain, corneal ulcers and scarring of the cornea, all of which may affect your ability to see clearly.


Knowing when to Seek Help

While any or all of the following symptoms may occur temporarily, experiencing them on a frequent basis means you should schedule a comprehensive eye exam with …


optomap Complements Dialated Fundus Exams

Posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Largely due to the discomfort and inconvenience of dilation, many people put off visiting their optometrist for regular comprehensive eye exams. The process involves eye drops that dilate the pupils, causing blurred vision and light sensitivity for some time after the exam. The reason for pupil dilation is so the optometrist can see through the eye to the retina to try to detect problems or diseases as early as possible. Fortunately for many, optomap® allows eyecare providers to perform a non-dilated, complementary eye exam has made these critical exams possible without having to dilate the eyes.


In our efforts to be the retina company, Optos has developed ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology that does not require dilation eye exams, but still gives your eye care professional a 200 degree image of your retina. Many eye diseases cause permanent damage before you notice any symptoms and the ability to view 200 degrees of your retina means your doctor can detect, diagnose and treat any findings, earlier.


Hopefully your eye care professional don’t find anything wrong with your retina during your exam, either way your optomap image becomes a part of your patient file, so it can be compared to your future optomap eye exam to see if …