Ultra-widefield Imaging Assists in Diagnosing Eye Problems in Children & Infants

Posted on Thursday, May 28, 2015

According to an article published in Retina Today, Optos ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal system technology, specifically the Optos 200TX™, is making great strides in diagnosing and treating eye problems in children and infants. Due to the cutting-edge modalities and ease-of-operation with an optomap® exam, signs of retinal disease can be found in the periphery, often before children and infants become symptomatic.



Before the use of optomap, obtaining just a 75 degree view of the fundus was a cumbersome, multi-stage effort made more complicated by children and babies’ natural tendencies to become impatient during exams. The Optos ultra-widefield imaging system provides a 200 degree view in a single scan and without dilation, making the imaging process easier and faster.


According to the article, as the leading cause of blindness in in babies and children, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is gaining the most advantage with the implementation of UWF technology. ROP generally occurs in premature babies (born at 31 weeks or less) that have extremely low birth weights (2 3/4 pounds or less). With advances in medicine, more premature babies are being saved earlier in the gestation period. The ease of obtaining high definition images and the ability to compare and …


UV Safety Month: Prevent Photokeratitis This Summer

Posted on Thursday, May 21, 2015

Awareness of the damage the sun’s rays can cause to your skin has become widespread. However, not enough of the population realizes the damage also extends to the sensitive tissues that form our eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) wants to stress the fact that, especially during the summer months, UV protection for eyes is essential.



According to the AAO, overexposure to UV rays can increase the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and tumors that can lead to melanoma. One type of common damage is a condition called  photokeratitis. In the simplest terms, photokeratitis is sunburn of the eyes. Similar to how lighter-skinned people burn easily in the sun, those who have light eye colors are also more susceptible due to the lack of pigmentation through the layers of the eyes.


Mild cases of photokeratitis can feel like there is grit in your eyes. More extreme cases include intense burning in the eyes, caused by damaged and peeling corneal layers. An immediate visit to your ophthalmologist is essential if you’re showing signs of photokeratitis. In most cases, the condition will clear up after several days, and treatment involves cold compresses, anti-inflammatory eye drops without steroids and darkness or wearing …


Safeguarding Your Vision: Treating Eye Injuries

Posted on Thursday, May 14, 2015

According to a 2011 report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), more than 2.5 million eye injuries occur annually. With more than 40 percent of injuries occurring at home or at play, treating eye injuries as soon as they occur is important.



The first thing to know when treating eye injuries is that you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if the eye injury seems insignificant, it is best to have it looked at because even minor injuries can lead to vision loss or blindness.


If faced with treating an eye injury, refer to these tips from eyeSmart:


– Refrain from rubbing or touching the surface, or applying pressure to the affected eye. – If an object is stuck in the eye, do not try to remove it yourself. – Never use medications or ointments on the injured eye unless your doctor has counseled you otherwise. – Always have the injury looked at by doctor.

Punctures or Cuts to the Eye Do not take ibuprofen, aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) because they thin the blood and may cause excessive bleeding. Be sure not to flush the eye and do not try to remove any objects, …


Early Diet Managment Can be a Key to Preventing Eye Problems & Vision Loss

Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2015

As part of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), healthier diets and meat consumption were tested to learn their effects on the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). While a healthier diet resulted in slowing down the progression of AMD, a particularly interesting result was found in meat consumption. Those who ate large quantities of red meat showed a greater occurrence of AMD and those who consumed larger amounts of chicken were more inclined to develop late AMD. The most impressive statistics were for women who followed a suggested diet designed for better health: 46 percent of women who followed the diet closely were less likely to develop AMD.



While more studies are required to further prove the efficacy of diet and eye health, studies are showing conclusive evidence that specific nutrients are contributing directly to better retina health.


Antioxidants and Zinc Antioxidants help clear our cells of free radicals that can damage our health and speed up the aging process. Zinc is instrumental in helping your immune system fight off bacteria and viruses, as well as helping in the production of proteins and DNA.


In all studies, increasing the amount of antioxidants and zinc contributed to slower …


Diagnosing & Treating Ocular Hypertension

Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2015

Measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), normal eye pressure falls in the range of 10-21 mm Hg. Patients diagnosed with ocular hypertension have eye pressure over 21. In and of itself, ocular hypertension is not an eye disease, but a possible precursor to the development of glaucoma. Some doctors refer to the condition as “glaucoma suspect.”



Increased eye pressure does not generally cause noticeable side effects in the early stages, so it is vital to maintain regularly scheduled comprehensive eye exams to ensure your eyes are healthy. If you are glaucoma suspect, your doctor may increase the frequency of your exams and use Optos ultra-widefield retinal display imaging to compare your images from one exam to the next to diagnose and treat any complications as soon as possible.


Since higher intraocular eye pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve and impair your vision, it is necessary to understand what it is and what the risks are of developing the condition. The production and drainage of fluid your eyes (aqueous humor), is normally balanced. In the case of elevated pressure, the drainage system does not function properly, resulting in the higher pressure. Some of the risk factors may …


Nutrients & Supplements Suggested for Treatment of AMD

Posted on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It is common knowledge that a nutrient-rich diet and exercise contribute to greater overall health. Recently, however, a study of more than 3,000 people was published with evidence that certain nutrients and supplements greatly reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and enhance AMD treatment.



Titled the “Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS),” the researchers conducted clinical trials examining the effects of antioxidants and zinc on patients at high risk for developing advanced stages of AMD. The antioxidant vitamins included Vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, with zinc and copper added to the formula. Twenty-five percent of patients who were at high risk of developing category three or four advanced AMD reduced their risk. When compared against a placebo, the AREDS formula also reduced the loss of visual acuity in these two categories. There was no significant response from patients in category 2.


Upon further review of other published studies, the AREDS researchers found significant evidence that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein and zeaxanthin also contributed to reduced risk of developing or advancing AMD. The study concluded that while there was no significant improvement for patients with early-stage AMD, the findings for patients with advanced stages or a predisposition to advanced …


How Should Central Serous Retinopathy Be Treated?

Posted on Friday, May 1, 2015

Central serous retinopathy (CSR) is an affliction that can cause vision loss or make objects appear much smaller than they are in actuality. A buildup of fluid results in swelling and raised retinal tissue close to the macula and may result in retinal detachment. CSR is most commonly diagnosed in men between the ages of 20 and 60, however, it can affect women as well. Most cases of  acute CSR heal on their own, but chronic cases may require special attention. Treatment of CSR comes down to the severity of the case, whether it is chronic (lasting more than six months), or the urgency of vision restoration.

Risks of developing the condition include antihistamine use, type-A personalities, pregnancy, hypertension that has not been treated and other causes of metabolic stress to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Since there are risks involved in any treatment, Francesco Boscia, MD writing for Retina Today, chooses to monitor the condition closely in his patients and treat only in certain cases. Typically, these include chronic conditions, the disease causes changes in the RPE or if the patient’s profession relies heavily on their vision and they must have excellent vision as soon as possible.


Where treatment is indicated, …


Early Detection of Ocular Melanoma Best for Identifying Risk Factors & Positive Prognosis

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Melanoma is a word that most people will associate with skin cancer, but it is not limited to only your skin. Melanocytes are the cells responsible for our skin’s coloring, but they are also located in our hair, the lining of our inner organs and the eyes. While melanoma of the eye occurs in 1 out of ever 6 million people, it still happens. Ocular nevi and melanoma and detection are a critical part of comprehensive eye health.


According to an article published in Retina Today, one of the biggest challenges in ocular melanoma and detection is the similarity between the disease and choroidal nevus. Since both present in a similar fashion, clinicians must have the proper technology for early detection and be cognizant of the characteristics that define ocular melanoma. According to Retina Today, an acronym has been adopted to aid in remembering the risk factors that suggest a nevus is transitioning to melanoma: “To Find Small Ocular Melanoma Using Helpful Hints Daily (TFSOM-UHHD).”


– T- Thickness of lesion greater than 2 mm – F- Fluid (subretinal) – S- associated Symptoms – O- Orange pigment on the tumor – M- Margin is 3 mm or less to the optic disc …


Protection at Play: Eye Protection Crucial for Athletes and Selected Sports

Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2015

April is sports eye safety month which is a good time to reinforce education about eye safety that should be observed all year long. In a joint policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, several alarming statistics regarding eye injuries while playing sports were released. According to the statement, 42,000 eye injuries were reported in 2000 with 43 percent occurring in children under the age of 15. Those two figures alone mandate that eye protection is crucial for athlete. Further, 90 percent of the injuries could have been prevented by wearing proper eye protection.



While many of the sports identified as high and moderate risk for eye injuries are no surprise, several are listed that you may not have considered. Unfortunately, many of the sports and recreational activities do not make safety eye wear mandatory, so it is up to parents to ensure their children have appropriate protection and wear it while participating. The following are a few of the high and moderate risk activities for which protective eye wear should be worn:


Basketball Baseball and softball Hockey Paintball Tennis Volleyball Tennis


Generally speaking, any sports involving balls or …


Macular Degeneration: Reduce the Risks with these Changes

Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Macular degeneration is silently destroying the vision of our aging population. Detectable only by examination of the retina, permanent vision loss has often occurred before many people schedule a comprehensive eye exam, thinking changes in their vision are due aging. According to the Macular Disease Foundation of Australia, while there are predispositions that increase your chances of developing the disease, there are also lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce macular degeneration risks.



Risk Factors:

– Age– Macular degeneration is an age-related condition affecting as many as one in seven people over the age of 50. – Family History– If the disease has affected other family members, your chance of developing macular degeneration can increase by 50 percent. – Smoking– Smoking is a major cause of blindness and increases your risk of developing macular degeneration by as much as three times.


Mitigating Risks:

 If comprehensive eye exams have not been part of your regular care, make sure to start. Your best chance at maintaining your vision is to detect it in the earliest possible stages. optomap® ultra-widefield imaging is non-invasive and can help your doctor with early detection. You cannot change your family history, but making sure to provide …