Case Study: Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

Posted on Friday, February 27, 2015



A 60 year-old male visited the Retina Institute of Hawaii complaining of poor central vision in the right eye. He began to notice vision loss inferiorly one week prior, which progressed to central vision loss two days prior to exam. The patient was CF with eccentric viewing.




Upon a dilated fundus examination, there was a macula-off superior Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with a superotemporal horse-shoe tear. optomap® plus images were captured to document the retinal detachment and horseshoe tear and assist in explaining the treatment plan to the patient. A pneumatic retinopexy was immediately performed which reattached the macula.


The patient laid in the office in a face-down position for 30 minutes and was instructed to maintain the face-down position overnight. On the second day, his vision was 20/400 and the optomap revealed that the macula was reattached, and much of the subretinal fluid shifted inferiorly. It was likely he alternated between the face-down and head-up position. Laser retinopexy was performed to seal the horseshoe tear found in the superior temporal quadrant (one day after pneumatic). The patient was then asked to maintain head tilted to left, so that the pneumatic retinopexy would continue to …


Customer Spotlight: Eberle Eyecare Patients Appreciate optomap® Technology

Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2015

Optos really appreciates the positive feedback we receive from our clients. Our customers are successful using our ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology and we love sharing their successes.  This customer spotlight will focus on Eberle Eyecare, a private practice in Anchorage, Alaska.


When Dr. Eberle attended the Pacific University College of Optometry, she had used optomap technology and looked forward to offering it to her patients when she opened her practice in 2010. Later, when Dr. Eberle attended the Vision Source Exchange meeting in 2013, she used that opportunity to purchase a Daytona for the benefit of her patients.


Since we had added to the modalities since she had last used optomap, Dr. Eberle took advantage of her membership with Vision Source and traveled to Scotland to learn all the nuances of using Daytona’s autofluorescence (AF) capabilities. Dr. Eberle found the training valuable and remarked, “With AF, I have the ability to isolate the cell where changes start in the disease processes,” Dr. Eberle says. “When we can pick it up earlier, the outcome is much better for the patients.”


Having purchased the Daytona for image clarity, clinical decision-making and as an aid in patient education, Dr. Eberle said she noticed the …


optomap® Helps Guide Laser Treatment for Retinal Toxicity Issue

Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A young woman with a history of depression, drug & alcohol abuse was seen in a Houston clinic after injecting isopropyl alcohol into her left eye. According to the patient, her eye was bothering her and she believed the rubbing alcohol would help. She went to the clinic due to a loss of vision in the eye she injected.


Visual acuity in 20/20 right eye and hand movement at 2 feet in the left eye. Intraocular pressure was 13/12 by applanation. A dilated retinal exam was performed with findings of retinal infarct, vascular pruning and a few intra-retinal hemorrhages, macular edema, rare vitreous cell and possible operculated hole at 3:00. An optomap was taken and confirmed an operculated hole and air bubble with a small hemorrhage superiorly, near the hole where patient performed the self-injection. The imaged confirmed the diagnosis of retinal toxicity, vascular ischemia, hemi-retinal artery occlusion, macular edema and a retinal hole.


The risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment discussed with patient and father. The father consented to laser treatment and a grid laser was performed. The patient was admitted to hospital for a psychiatric evaluation following the laser treatment. Four days post laser …


Find Optos at the BC Doctors of Optometry 2015 Annual Conference & OPTOFAIR

Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It is almost time for the BC Doctors of Optometry 2015 Annual Conference and OPTOFAIR. Being held at the Westin Bayshore Hotel from 28 February through 2 March 2015.  The event will feature education and networking opportunities for doctors of optometry, optometric assistants, and opticians. Optos will be in attendance with our ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging technology.

The BC Doctors of Optometry 2015 Annual Conference includes a program for doctors of optometry which provides 28 courses and up to 36 hours of CE credits upon completion. Additionally, 28 hours of COPE credits is included. For optometric assistants and opticians, there are 19 courses and up to 28 hours of CE credits.



Optos would like to encourage you to visit with us during the OPTOFAIR to learn more about our UWF retinal imaging technology and how it can help your practice thrive. Our UWF technology produces a high resolution 200 degree image of the retina in a single capture, and improves patient comfort since dilation is not necessarily required.


The ability to see this far into the periphery with our optomap® technology provides the opportunity to detect potential problems much earlier than exams with traditional equipment can. You …


Optos Featured at the 3rd Annual Canadian Retina Society Meeting

Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The third annual Canadian Retina Society Meeting is taking place from 26 February  through 1 March 2015 at the beautiful mountain resort of Whistler, British Columbia. The Canadian Retina Society and the Canadian Ophthalmology Society have teamed up to create a premiere learning experience for Canadian retina specialists, and Optos is proud to be featured at the event.




Optos is proud to be part of this exciting learning opportunity. Our ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology has been clinically proven to enable earlier diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases. Because optomap® delivers a 200 degree view of the retina in a single scan, the high resolution images enable pathologies in the periphery to be documented and analyzed which can provide better treatment options and better patient outcomes. Be sure to stop by to find out what is new with Optos and optomap.



optomap® assists in detecting and tracking retinal pathology

Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Optos team constantly strives to improve upon our retinal imaging technology. In our effort to be THE retina company, we realize our technology is not only saving vision, it is also saving lives.


Denise Kniefel, OD knows the value of the optomap® exam because she has been a customer of Optos since 2004. No stranger to the technology, Dr. Kniefel started imaging her retina as a matter of course. In 2008 at a tradeshow, she stopped in to talk to the representatives from the company. Optos had recently unveiled new technology that allowed for even better optomap imaging than in the past. Dr. Kniefel sat down and had her retinal image captured. A nevus was detected that she hadn’t previously seen.


The image prompted Dr. Kniefel to see her ophthalmologist and have a fluorescein angiography and an OCT exam done. She did indeed have a nevus, which is essentially a freckle in the eye, and needs to be routinely monitored. Just like a freckle on your skin, it can change and become cancerous. Her doctor told her if the nevus did change into cancerous melanoma of eye, she would notice changes to her vision.




Capture and document retinal detachment with optomap®

Posted on Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The ability to capture and document retinal detachment can prove indispensable when treating your patients. Not only can it help you determine the underlying cause of the detachment, it can prove a valuable teaching tool for your patients so they understand what is wrong and how their participation in their treatment will provide a better outcome.

To get a better understanding of this ailment and communicating properly to your patient, be sure to read through the case study from Optos below:

History A 60 year-old male visited the Retina Institute of Hawaii complaining of poor central vision in the right eye. He began to notice vision loss inferiorly one week prior, which progressed to central vision loss two days prior to exam. The patient was CF with eccentric viewing.

Examination Upon a dilated fundus examination, there was a macula-off superior Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with a superotemporal horse-shoe tear. optomap plus images were captured to document the retinal detachment and horseshoe tear and assist in explaining the treatment plan to the patient. A pneumatic retinopexy was immediately performed which reattached the macula.

The patient laid in the office in a face-down position for 30 minutes and …


February is National AMD & Low Vision Awareness Month

Posted on Monday, January 26, 2015

February is national age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and low vision awareness month. Since AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 50, it is imperative to provide education and awareness about the disease to try to protect people’s vision. With our aging population, preventing unnecessary vision loss is critical.



One of the most problematic facts in regards to AMD is that before most people realize they have a problem with their vision, substantial permanent damage has already occurred. To prevent such a situation from occurring, early detection of AMD is essential to prevent vision loss.


Maintaining a regular comprehensive eye exam schedule is one of the first walls you can erect as a safeguard from AMD. Unfortunately, though, many people do not think about their eyes needing to be thoroughly checked until there is a problem, which is why regular eye exams are a necessity to get across to patients to limit the number of cases of new blindness.


Curious about how it feels to develop AMD? Located at the back of the retina, the macula is responsible for sharp, central vision. Keeping one eye closed, form a fist in front of …


January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Posted on Monday, January 5, 2015

Not only is January the beginning of a new year, it is the month to raise awareness about the most common cause of preventable blindness. Glaucoma is an eye disease that if it diagnosed in its earliest stages, the outcomes for patients are very positive. Unfortunately, since many people are not aware of how common this disease is and that it can destroy up to 40 percent of a patient’s vision before they notice it, not enough people are screened regularly for the disease through comprehensive eye exams. Along with many other organizations, Optos would like to ask you to help increase awareness and encourage people to get their eyes examined regularly and include optomap® as part of your comprehensive eye exam.




Glaucoma Facts:


— There are 2.7 million Americans 40 and older suffering from this eye disease. The National Eye Institute expects this figure to rise by 58 percent, to 4.2 million by the year 2030. — Experts estimate that 50 percent of people are unaware they have the disease which means there may be a blindness epidemic due to our aging population. — More than 120,000 people in the US are blind due …


Why Diabetics Must Be Aware of Their Eye Health

Posted on Thursday, January 1, 2015

Living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can lead to many other health issues, especially if your blood sugar is not kept in a healthy range. What many diabetics do not take seriously enough is the effect it can have on your vision. One of the leading causes of blindness for Americans with diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately, it is also the most common eye disease associated with diabetes. Early eye disease detection is critical if you are diabetic and wish to maintain your eyesight.


Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy At the back of your eye is the retina, which senses light and is vital for healthy vision. The retina has many very small blood vessels which can be damaged easier than most of your other blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when these blood vessels undergo changes as a result of diabetes.



The Silent Vision Thief Diabetic retinopathy is often called a “silent thief” because it is rare for a patient to notice changes in their vision until after the disease has progressed significantly enough to cause permanent damage. Left untreated, this eye disease goes through stages of progression that rob the retina of nourishment, eventually …