Top Tips for Eye Safety this Holiday and Winter Season

Posted on Friday, December 21, 2018

Top Tips for Eye Safety this Holiday and Winter Season

With the holiday season upon us, it’s important to note the extra care we need to take to make sure the toys and gifts our children receive are safe and age-appropriate.  For this reason, Prevent Blindness America has declared December “Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month”.

In 2017, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported an estimated 240,000 toy-related injuries treated in United States hospital emergency departments, with an estimated 80,100 of these injuries on children younger than five. 45% of the total injuries were to the head and face area. These statistics show that consumers should keep eye safety in mind when shopping for kids this holiday season. To help them do that, Prevent Blindness has complied some important tips for ensuring safety while shopping.

Look at every toy before you buy it. Is the toy durable? Can it stand the wear and tear of everyday use without breaking, cracking or coming apart? Does it shoot objects or have sharp edges? Toys that fail these tests should be reconsidered.

Before you purchase a toy:

Read all warnings and instructions on the box. Ask yourself if the toy is …


Ultra-widefield optomap Devices Continue to Set Doctors on the Forefront of Diagnostic Capability

Posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

For as long as Dr. David Way, OD, has been in practice, he has endeavored to employ frontline technology in the care of his patients. He explains that it was because of this he was an early adopter of optomap ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging technology.  Way is a big proponent of thoroughly examining the retina and aims to help patients understand the importance of comprehensive retinal exams.  “I help them to understand that the eye is the only part of the body that we can observe nerves and blood vessels without doing a CRT or an MRI; and that when I am examining them, I am checking ocular health, as well as, indicators of issues such diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration or hypertension”, explains Way.

Patients often refuse to be dilated because they are in a hurry, or simply want to avoid the discomfort. An optomap image, which can be obtained in a fraction of a second through an undilated pupil, allows them to receive a retinal exam without the perceived inconvenience. Over the years at Way’s practice, Spring Klein Vision Center, the acceptance rate for optomap is over 70% which has proved to be a revenue generator and a boon …


New Study Confirms the Equivalence of optomap to ETDRS Gold Standard for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy

Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  In 2015, 30.3 million Americans, or 9.4% of the population, had diabetes and approximately 1.25 million American children and adults had type 1 diabetes. These numbers are on the rise and the disease manifests with deleterious and deadly impact throughout the body – including the eye. An understanding of the disease, early detection and treatment are more imperative than ever.


A recent study cooperatively funded by the National Eye Institute, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney diseases and the US Department of Health and Human Services concluded  that optomap ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging is a useful diagnostic tool for detection and assessment of severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR). The study published recently in JAMA Ophthalmology demonstrates that optomap UWF imaging can be used reliably in place of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) 7-Field imaging in clinical use and future clinical trials.  The paper, which builds off recent single site studies that found moderate to perfect agreement between the modalities, supports these findings through data acquired over a two-year period from multiple sites.

The gold standard assessment of DR severity has been based on grading of lesions within the ETDRS …


optomap Aids Eyecare Professionals in Early Detection, Monitoring and Management of Diabetic Eye Disease

Posted on Saturday, November 10, 2018

November is recognized as American Diabetes Month and Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month.  Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month aims to increase awareness of diabetes and diabetic eye disease and encourage people with diabetes to seek treatment for related vision problems.   According to Prevent Blindness America, Diabetes is now the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults, and all people with diabetes are at risk for vision loss and blindness.

Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye problems that diabetic persons may face as a complication of this disease including: Diabetic retinopathy – A leading cause of blindness in American adults, it is caused by damage to the small blood vessels of the retina – the seeing layer of the eye. Diabetic macular edema (DME)  – A complication of diabetes caused by leaking blood vessels, which leads to fluid accumulation in the macula, the center of the retina used for central vision. DME can cause central vision to become blurry. Cataract – The clouding of the lens in the eye, which blocks or changes the passage of light into the eye. Cataracts can cause vision to become blurry. Glaucoma  – Optic nerve damage and possible loss of …


Keeping yourself, your kids, and everyone’s peepers safe this Halloween!

Posted on Tuesday, October 30, 2018

With Halloween upon us, dressing up is all part of the fun for both children and adults.  To ensure Halloween is fun and safe for all, it is important to take proper precautions for safety.  Each year, the US hospital emergency rooms treat several hundred eye injuries related to Halloween costumes and masks. Additionally, it is often very easy for children to be less visible to drivers during evening hours.  Prevent Blindness® has provided some helpful safety times to keep in mind this Halloween:

Costumes and Safety

-Avoid costumes with masks, wigs, floppy hats or eye patches that block vision. -Tie hats and scarves securely so they don’t slip over children’s eyes. -Avoid costumes that drag on the ground to prevent tripping or falling -Avoid pointed props such as spears, swords or wands that may harm other children’s eyes. -Wear bright, reflective clothing or decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape/patches. -Carry a bright flashlight to improve visibility. -Do not ride a bike/scooter/skateboard or roller blade while wearing a costume. -Obey all traffic signals—pedestrian and driver. -Younger children should go with an adult while trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Older children should trick-or-treat in groups. -Use common sense. Never dart out …


Optos Introduces Monaco – The only clinically-validated, ultra-widefield retinal image with integrated OCT

Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2018

In 2000, Optos delivered the first and only retinal imaging device that could capture beyond the vortex vessels of the retina. The ability to clearly image that much of the retina—in one capture, and in less than ½ second—significantly influenced the way eye care professionals examined their patients’ eyes. The core technology is based on a scanning laser ophthalmoscope and a unique ellipsoid mirror that create a virtual focal point inside the eye to enable the single capture of the central retina and periphery. For color images, green and red lasers are engaged simultaneously to allow visualization of retinal substructures from the sensory retina and retinal pigment epithelium to the choroid.

Over the years, Optos has continued to develop its hardware and software platforms – most recently delivering Monaco, the newest device providing new ways to enhance clinical exams.  It is the only ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging device with integrated OCT. Monaco produces a 200° single-capture optomap image in less than ½ second and also provides cross-sectional 40° OCT views of retinal structures. Monaco enables a rapid multi-modality capture featuring color, autofluorescence and OCT scans, for both eyes, in as little as two minutes.  UWF with integrated OCT saves time, …


optomap Enables Detection, Diagnosis, and Guides Treatment in Age-Related Ocular Pathology

Posted on Monday, September 24, 2018

September is Healthy Aging month, however despite age related changes to vision, ocular health is often overlooked.  As the aging population grows, adding the first influx of generation X to the baby boomers in the over 50 demographics, the incidences of glaucoma and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) are also on the rise.

Recent studies have demonstrated how optomap ultra-widefield™ (UWF) retinal imaging is fulfilling a need in supporting the detection and management of both ocular and systemic diseases associated with aging. UWF imaging provides a high resolution, single-capture image of 82% (or 200 degrees) of the retina.  Studies have confirmed that the resolution of the optomap image – is comparable to fundus photography – which captures 11% of the retina, in detection of diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, AMD and uveitis.  Additionally, studies have found that the additional area captured by optomap can enhance the ability to detect, diagnose and manage diseases in comparison to fundus photography and be captured more efficiently.  UWF is being increasingly used in optometric and ophthalmic settings and enables eye care professionals to detect, diagnose, document and treat ocular pathology including retinal disease that may first present in the periphery.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is …


Join us at Vision Expo West 2018!

Posted on Monday, September 24, 2018

Find out what’s new from Optos!

As the leaders in ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging technology, Optos would like to invite you to join us at the International Vision Expo West (VEW) September 26-29 at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.    Explore what’s new at Optos by pre-scheduling your demonstration or stop by booth #MS6051 during the show.

Optos Announces Global Availability of Monaco — The Only Clinically-Validated, 200-Degree UWF Retinal Image with Integrated OCT

Optos has continued to develop hardware and software platforms— most recently delivering Monaco, the latest device which offers new ways to enhance clinical exams. It is the only UWF retinal imaging device with integrated OCT. Monaco produces a 200-degree, single-capture optomap image in less than ½ second and also provides cross-sectional, 40-degree OCT views of retinal structures. Monaco enables a rapid multi-modality capture featuring color, autofluorescence and OCT scans for both eyes in as little as two minutes. UWF with integrated OCT saves time, space and minimizes patient movement. The optomap images and OCT scans are correlated to facilitate pathology examination. Color, AF and OCT images are shown in a single, comprehensive view on a single device. The introduction of Monaco further differentiates our products with continued ease of use and speed of capture. OCT scans available with the …


optomap Image is a Savior to Teen’s Vision

Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2018

With August deemed Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, there cannot be enough stress placed on the importance of protecting children (including teenagers) eye health.  Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for the physical and educational development of children. Most children have healthy eyes. However, vision problems can begin at an early age and go unnoticed by both children and their parents. Early detection and treatment are indispensable in preventing conditions that could potentially cause problems or permanent vision loss.

Christina, a high school student in Manhattan Beach, California walked into her eye doctor’s office thinking it was just going to be another eye appointment and yet another glasses fitting.  Dr. Dale Choi, of Manhattan Beach Vision Group, recommended Christina get an optomap image as part of her exam that day.  To their surprise, the image revealed a significant finding.  Dr. Choi discovered a retinal hole with a large sub-clinical detachment in her left eye.  Dr. Choi reviewed the image with Christina, explaining that she would need to be referred a retina specialist that same day, to repair the hole and save her sight. Fortunately for Christina, the local specialist was able to repair the hole with no damage to …


Back to School Means More Than Backpacks and Lunch Boxes – Don’t Forget the Eye Exam!

Posted on Monday, August 6, 2018

While to some it may feel as though summer has just begun, others are already feeling the pressures of checking off every item on their back to school lists.  With all the hassle of stocking up on school supplies or finding the perfect pair of shoes, there is often one important item that gets left off every parent’s list – a comprehensive eye exam.  Although schools generally do some basic testing of children’s vision, there is no doctor to perform a comprehensive exam or diagnose problems with your child’s eyesight.  According to experts, nearly 90 percent of what is taught in school is done so visually, therefore without excellent vision, children are left at a disadvantage.  Those with poor eyesight may struggle with school and learning, leaving them unable to reach their maximum potential.  A yearly comprehensive eye exam can not only ensure your child’s vision is healthy or corrected, but also rule out diseases that can potentially lead to vision loss.

Just as their bodies are rapidly growing, children’s eye are also changing. The slightest change in vision can cause eye strain, headaches or blurred vision which can be very distracting in school.  Myopia and hyperopia, also known as near or …