The Push for Improved Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Pregnancy

Posted on Monday, October 20, 2014

While diabetic mothers-to-be are apt to visit their medical doctors frequently and carefully monitor their sugar levels, many of them don’t schedule or receive proper retinal screening exams throughout their pregnancies. In fact, in a study of 300 pregnant women with type I or type II diabetes, 40 percent did not receive the recommended two retinal exams during two trimesters of their pregnancies.



Patients and doctors alike understand that diabetic retinopathy can be a serious condition in pregnant women, so planning and attending a retinal exam during two of the trimesters is a critical process.


In the study mentioned above, 26 percent of the women who received adequate screening were found to have worsening diabetic retinopathy, which is a significant reason to reinforce the importance of retinal screening in pregnancy. Women in the study who had a higher systolic blood pressure reading at their initial prenatal checkup and had the lowest HbA1c were the ones most likely to show increased diabetic retinopathy.


This stands to reason since diabetes can be significantly harder to control during pregnancy and can also form for non-diabetics. Some participating doctors found that women with normal vision at the beginning of their …


Be on the Lookout for V2 Vantage Pro v 2.9

Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2014

As innovators in ultra-widefield retinal display imaging, Optos is constantly working on improving our technology and software to provide you with the best possible tools for examining and treating eye disease – including software.  We are pleased to announce that the latest version of our image viewing software, V2 Vantage Pro, is now available.



The latest version of this feature-rich, image viewing software and patient education tool includes new advancements to benefit practices and patients.  The imaging technology from Optos operates at the limits of ‘conventional’ optics and is the only imaging technology that can capture ultra-widefield images of 200° or 82% of the retina. The technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with optomap images by introducing ProView™.


ProView Benefits

**Normalizes the inherent bias which occurs when curved surfaces are shown in a flat plane **Enables historical and multi-modality comparison overlay **Enhances 3D Wrap™


With advanced capabilities built into the Vantage 2.9, you will have the unique opportunity to register and compare multiple images of various modalities from optomap exams. And, overlay capabilities allow for analysis at follow-up exams to further enhance early detection objectives.


The 3D Wrap is a three-dimensional graphical …


Patient Advice: Protecting Your Eyes This Winter

Posted on Friday, October 10, 2014

Summer may be over, but that doesn’t mean you should put away your sunglasses. Many people don’t realize that winter can be just as, if not more damaging, to their eye health than the hot and sunny days of summer. The following information can help ensure your patients maintain healthy vision all season long.



Even though winter may seem gloomy, the sun doesn’t go away. Inform your patients that if they’re headed outside this winter, they should wear proper eye protection in order to avoid photokeratitits. This condition is basically sunburn to delicate eye tissue, and it can range from light damage to permanent vision loss.


The effect of sun damage can be amplified by the refractory effect of snow, so they should always have proper eye wear with when heading outdoors to ski, shovel snow, or simply commute to work. Over-exposure to the sun’s UVA and UVB rays has also been proven to increase the occurrence of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.


As with all seasonal sports or activities, goggles and safety glasses should be worn. Debris, ice particles, and blow back from snow removal equipment can cause severe damage and even blindness.


Winter …


Join Optos and Many Others at the AAO 2014 Conference

Posted on Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), in conjunction with the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE), and the Ophthalmic Photographers Society is holding their annual meeting from Oct. 18 to Oct. 21 at McCormick Place in Chicago. This is a great opportunity to learn more about valuable practice improvement techniques and the latest in technology, as well as trending improvements in diagnosis and treatment.


Optos invites you to join us for the 2014 American Academy of Ophthalmology conference, where we will be revealing our latest ultra-widefield product. We invite you to our booth at 2PM on October 18th to find out what’s next from Optos.


In addition, ultra-widefield technology will be discussed during the following sessions.  We encourage you to add these sessions to your agenda.


AAO Authors Title Time Location Capone Widefield Imaging in Pediatric Retinal Diseases Friday, Oct 17 2014 11:49PM North Hall B Kiss Wide Field Imaging Saturday October 18 2014 8:23AM North Hall B Mruthyunjaya, Kiss, Hariprasad, Chan, Kelly, Srivastava Peering to the Periphery: Applications of Wide-Angle Retinal Imaging Sunday, Oct 19 2014 11:30AM – 12:30PM S104A Khanamiri, Rao, Sadda, Sagong Ultrawide-Field Fundus Abnormalities in Various Uveitic Disorders Sunday, Oct 19 2014 12:30PM – 2:00PM Hall A – …


Foods That Might Reduce Your Patient’s Risk of Glaucoma

Posted on Monday, October 6, 2014

Caused by increased ocular pressure, glaucoma eventually damages the optic nerve, resulting in low vision or complete blindness. Although there is no cure for glaucoma, more and more research on the benefits of good nutrition is being done.


It’s important to note that these nutritional recommendations are not a definitive proof for reducing glaucoma. Since these suggestions offer many other health benefits, there’s no harm in encouraging your patients to improve their diets and try to incorporate the following suggestions whenever possible.


Focus on Color


Fruits and vegetables high in color, particularly green leafy vegetables and orange fruits and vegetables, are rich in antioxidants and nutrients that contribute to eye health. Any fruits and vegetables, including berries that contain vitamins C, E and A, are also beneficial because of their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein are found in high concentrations in the eye.


Heart Healthy is Glaucoma Friendly


Increased blood pressure can exacerbate the effects of glaucoma, since they’re both related to pressure. Minimizing salt intake and limiting fats can contribute to better eye health. Retinol, which is found in butter, cheese and milk, is a great form of vitamin A that’s also eye-friendly. Patients should consume adequate amounts …


The Expanding Reach of Optos’ Ultra-Widefield Imaging

Posted on Monday, September 29, 2014

With over 75 research papers discussing Optos’ ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging available at this year’s Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) meeting, it’s safe to say that the world of research is taking notice of UWF technology.


A recent article by Rishi P. Singh, MD, an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University, as well as staff physician and medical director of the clinical systems office in Cleveland Clinic, states “It is evident that UWF technology will take a more prominent role in the clinical care of patients with retinal disease.”


According to Dr. Singh, Optos provides the widest view of the retina and its periphery at 200 degrees or 82 percent. UWF is rapidly accelerating the understanding of retinal diseases and impacting their management. Considering the aging population and associated influx of retinal and macular pathologies that occur with age, UWF and the ability to incorporate images into digital patient records will become an integral portion of your practice in the future.


The research conducted to date proves that optomap® images can be obtained faster and with no patient interference, which vastly improves the assessment time per patient. While efficiency alone is a benefit, accuracy of the imaging and the …


Patient Advice: Helpful Tips on Eye Health for College Students

Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2014

With more than 21 million students back on college campuses, it’s critical to remind young adults and their parents of maintaining good eye health. Until students experience a specific problem with their eyes, they usually don’t seek out help. With increased exposure to disease, injury and eye strain, maintaining good vision should be high on their list of priorities.



Contact lens wearers should be reminded never to wear their contacts in showers, pools or hot tubs. Nor should they clean and store their contacts in water. They should always use the appropriate cleaning and storage fluid to sterilize their contacts. The CDC reports that 85 percent of Acanthamoeba keratitis cases are found in contact lens wearers. Acanthamoeba is a parasite found in water that can be very harmful to the eyes.


Because universities, and even small colleges, are heavily populated, it’s best to remind students and parents to practice good hygiene. Conjunctivitis, more commonly known as “pink eye,” spreads rapidly and widely, but it can be avoided with frequent hand washing and less eye-rubbing. This practice can also limit the spreading of other infections that affect eye health.


Eye strain is another condition that affects students, as they tend to spend multiple …


Q&A: How optomap® has Impacted Vista Eye Care’s Practice

Posted on Monday, September 22, 2014

Vista Eye Care recently provided us with a Q&A session with Dr. Christine Bartoletti to discuss how optomap has changed their practice. We wanted to share some salient points from this interview, so you could see how Optos technology can work for your practice and patients.



Please read this brief highlight of the interview to learn about some of the benefits Vista Eye Care has experienced with our ever advancing technology.


How does optomap work and why should it be used? 


To determine the health of the retina, optomap enables us to take an ultra-widefield image, which images 200 degrees or 82% of the retina. We recommend that it be used as part of a regular comprehensive annual eye exam because the year-over-year images can be compared at each assessment to plan any necessary treatments.


Why did you want this technology to be a part of your practice? 


With optomap, I’m able to achieve a wider view of the retina without having to dilate my patients’ eyes. Additionally, I can compare images from one year to the next to detect changes easier and make earlier diagnoses.


Is the experience frightening or difficult for your patients? 


Thanks to Optos, patients …


Watch for These Ocular Developments That Could Threaten Vision

Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2014

Routine eye and vision exams are not only critical for ensuring proper eye sight, they’re also important for catching ocular developments that threaten vision. Medically, physically and emotionally, the cost of blindness is high for your patients, and you’re their front line of defense for full vision protection, as well as diagnoses of diseases.


Morning Glory Syndrome is a disc anomaly that usually presents unilaterally and produces a vascular appearance of blood vessels exiting from the peripheral disc in a radiating pattern. Depending on the severity of the condition, vision loss can range significantly. This condition can deteriorate if retinal detachment occurs.


Optos ultra-widefield (UWF) retinal display imaging technology can help you track changes in the retina for patients affected with this defect. With a 200 degree view and highly detailed images, optomap exams are optimal for creating a baseline, while follow-up exams can be used as comparisons to track changes.


In a small percentage of patients, myelinated nerve fibers can cause a white, feathered obstruction that affects the head of the optic nerve. The condition should not be confused with “cotton-wool” spots. Myelination can cause blind spots in the patients’ field of vision and make them more susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases, such as glaucoma.



Retinal Health: Searching to Reduce the Frequency of Anti-VEGF injection

Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Anti-VEGF injections are not only uncomfortable for your patients; they’re also very cost-prohibitive. Researchers are working to develop new means of treating wet AMD that will reduce the frequency of anti-VEGF injections while improving outcomes, especially for those that are or have become non-responsive to treatments.


Since every case is different and has its own complexities, there are no hard and fast rules to determine the best course of action for your patients. As new drugs and other forms of treatments are developed, ensuring you understand how they may be beneficial to your patients is critical. One of the best ways to reduce the frequency of anti-VEGF injections to date is by applying a combination of current treatments.


Some doctors can decrease the injection intervals by switching or alternating the medications used to dry the retina. One doctor in particular, who co-wrote the PRONTO study focusing on alternative dosing schedules, has found that many of his patients benefited from a dosing regimen that alternates between Avastin and Lucentis. While Lucentis is significantly more costly and chemically similar to Avastin, it tends to dry the retina faster, which can result in fewer doses. While follow-up appointments to monitor possible fluid buildup or return …