Nearly everyone on the planet will experience an eye health issue in their lifetime and more than a billion people worldwide do not have access to eye care services. To address the bigger picture at the country and global level, individuals need to be aware of their own eye health, and the theme for 2021 is all about #LoveYourEyes.
Taking care of your eyes and your vision is important in all stages of life and should not fall by the wayside as you age, and early detection is key. Talk to your eye care professional about including optomap as part of your next eye exam. optomap helps doctors discover and document the retina with little or no face-to-face interaction and takes only seconds to get a highly-detailed view of the retina, which is critical for detection and management of both ocular and systemic diseases at any age.
Sports are a great way to stay active and healthy, but they are also one of the leading causes of eye injuries. September is Sports Eye Safety Month and it is the perfect opportunity to think about the benefits of wearing protective eyewear when taking part in sports and other recreational activities.
To increase patient throughput and practice efficiency contact Optos to put optomap in your practice or clinical setting.
Ask your eye care professional about including optomap as part of your child’s eye exam. An optomap image shows up to 200°, or 82% of your child’s retina in one fast, painless image, with little or no face-to-face interaction. The image is highly detailed and allows the eye care professional the best view for identifying diseases and other issues that may arise in your child’s eyes. Set your children up for success this school year by scheduling their back-to-school eye exam!
Ultra-widefield (UWF™) technology supports and enables practice efficiency for eyecare professionals across all settings, and has become especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic and in transitioning to a “new normal” . The integration of optomap technology as a routine diagnostic and screening tool has shown to improve workflow and increase service capacity within a very short time, according to many eyecare professionals. optomap can facilitate timely referrals for clinical opinions, supporting earlier treatment interventions and promoting collaboration between a variety of healthcare professionals and eyecare professionals alike. These all equate to improved patient workflow, clinical accuracy, and timely diagnosis and treatment for patients. Its ease of use makes for a smooth implementation process, optomap has been found to add clinical value as documented in over 1,000 peer-reviewed papers. These all equate to improved patient workflow, clinical accuracy, and timely diagnosis and treatment for patients
When we are caught up in the delights of summer, we tend to overlook the simple proactive measures that we can take to protect against vision loss and UV related eye damage and even life-threatening ocular cancers. In addition to taking a few extra moments to protect yourself and your loved ones before rushing out into the sunshine, it is imperative that people take the time for annual eye exams. An optomap screening is an excellent, expedient way to get a comprehensive view of the retina and to gain essential information about one’s ocular health. optomap is the only proven, clinically-validated, ultra-widefield retinal image that can capture 82% or 200⁰ of the retina, which can reveal incredibly subtle changes from the central pole to the far periphery of the retina in a single capture – and in a fraction of a second – so you can get out there (well-protected, of course) and enjoy that summer sun.
This month, Optos joins Prevent Blindness America in observing Cataract Awareness Month to aid the education surrounding cataracts, and what you should know, as well as the value of UWF imaging for practitioners as a complement to standard approaches for a comprehensive evaluation of retinal health prior to, and following cataract surgery.
As we lead up to the booming July holiday, June is recognized as Fireworks Eye Safety Month, and because fireworks sometimes become a part of many year-round celebrations, not only Independence Day, it is an excellent opportunity to clarify our understanding of the do’s and don'ts of pyrotechnic use. Eye injuries from fireworks can be especially severe because of the combination of force, heat and chemicals. Following a few simple safety tips can help make for a safe, fun celebration.
Healthy Vision Month is aimed to encourage Americans to make eye health a priority and inform them of the steps they can take to protect their vision. Most importantly, getting a comprehensive eye exam. Your optometrist or ophthalmologist can review your personal and family history, assess your vision, and evaluate the internal and external anatomy of your eyes to rule in or out any problems. If an issue is detected, treatment can be initiated as soon as possible, which can improve outcomes and slow or reverse the underlying disease process. Even if you don’t have any vision or eye problems, you should still schedule a comprehensive exam.